Medical treatments are performed personally by our specialist medical practitioner Dr David Scott.
Skin check is an examination for one or more skin problems and recommendations for treatments.
Skin cancer check is a full body examination of moles and other skin issues and recommendations for treatment.
Laser treatment of facial veins. Facial veins are effectively treated with the VariLite laser by Dr Scott. Many vascular lesions can be treated with this laser. The laser can treat facial veins, telangiectasias, broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, Campbell de Morgan spots, spider angiomas, spider naevi, venous lakes (purple lumps on the lips), scar neovascularisation (redness that appears in or around a scar) or small veins anywhere on the body.
Sclerotherapy of legs veins..
Chalazion removal.
Ear lobe repair.
Biopsy of lesions.
Removal of lesions.
Corticosteroid injections of skin lesions.