Mole & Skintag Removal
Most moles are harmless and dont cause any pain unless you rub them or bump them. Skin tags are small soft pieces of skin that often appear on the neck , armpits and body folds.
The majority of these lesions are benign but can get caught in clothes, jewellery or simply look unsightly. It is important to get them removed professionally to ensure the best possible aesthetic outcome. Other skin growths treated are seborrhoiec keratoses and senile warts.
Does it hurt?
A mole or skin tag can be removed by either radio frequency or liquid nitrogen. It is up to the doctors discretion as to which method is used. Local anaesthetic is given in some circumstances.
What to expect after treatment?
Leave site to heal naturally within 2-3 weeks. There may be a slight colour difference in the treated area but this will fade over time. One treatment is ususally sufficient to remove skin lesions.
How does it work.?
Once local anaesthetic is injected, the use of radio frequency or liquid nitrogen is used to get rid of the lesion. This will seal the skin and a superficial scab will form and fall off in approximate 2 weeks.
Are there any side effects?
The procedure is minor and must always be performed by a medical profession. Scarring can occur if not removed carefully.