Looking Good for your Age
/At YourSkin Clinic we take pride in making people look good for their age. Its about growing old gracefully but doing so with a little help along the way.
The late 20's, early 30's is when you start to show signs of ageing. Your skin needs to be looked after to keep it looking vibrant and young.
The following are my tips on how we can achieve this and it is also something that I have followed through myself.
We all know that eating a well balanced diet keeps us healthy on the inside and outside. We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables including adequate amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. A good diet gives us the energy to lead an active lifestyle. Exercise also helps us in maintaining a youthful figure.
Cleansing with the right cleanser is a good start, and exfoliating the skin 2-3 times a week. Exfoliation not only washes away dead skin but helps in the production of new cells. Regular exfoliation can give you a smoother, brighter and firmer skin. Moisturising with the right moisturiser is also important as your skin can get drier as you get older.
Always protect the skin from sun damage by wearing sunscreen, and a big hat when going in the sun. Prevention is always better than cure.
Regular facial treatments like Facials, Lasers, Omnilux, Mask and Peels are the best way to pamper the skin. They clear the face of any impurities, increase collagen production and prevents the appearance of fine lines. They all rejuvenate the skin leaving your skin looking radiant and glowing.
It is best to start using anti ageing products in your mid 20's. The ingredients in these products help fight signs of ageing. They will delay the appearance of fine lines, increase collagen production and improve pigmentation. Look for products containing Retinol, AHA's, Vit A, Vit E, and Vit C. Combining these ingredients with regular facial treatments will give your skin a boost and keep you looking young.
It is also best to start in your 30's if you are interested in Botox and Dermal fillers. These treatments will enhance your appearance keeping you looking great for your age. Lets face it we all ant to look slightly younger than our real age.
Its never too late to start looking after your skin. The earlier you start the better you will look as you get older.
If you have any queries, concerns or would like some assistance in how we can make you look great for your age come and see us at YourSkin Clinic.