Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to increase the size and volumise your lips, making them more fuller and attractive. Lip augmentation can also be used to treat smokers lines (fine vertical lines around the lip area) in older women. The substance used to inject into the lips is called Hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that already exists in the body. It is a temporary filler which can last between 6-12mths, depends on your body's metabolism. Around the 6 month period is ideal to get the lips re done to keep the volume and shape as desired.

There are many Hyaluronic acid products on the market. The main thing is to make sure that the one that you will be getting is Therapeutic Goods Administration approved. They all give similar results and some contain lignocaine, a local anesthetic. Make sure you inform the practitioner if you are allergic to Lignocaine.

A numbing cream is applied onto the lip area so that the procedure can be performed with minimal discomfort. A series of small injections is done into the lip area delivering the gel to shape and volumise the lips. Your lips will be a little swollen at first, but you'll see the effects of the fillers pretty quickly. Give your lips 24-48 hours to settle and the swelling to calm. Then you'll be seeing your filled-out lips as they will be for the next few months. 

The procedure can take up to about 1 hour including the application of the numbing cream. You can go about your daily life afterwards but shouldn't make any big plans or attend special events for the next 3-5 days in case of bruising.  Some slight bruising and bleeding at the injection site is normal and expected. The bruises will fade after 3-5 days. Avoid excessive exercises that increase blood flow to your face, and also facials and massages for about 24 hours.

Benefits of Hyaluronic acid fillers - the filler injected supports and shapes the tissues surrounding the lips. The amount injected can be controlled which enables how much volume is created.

As the numbing cream wears off, lips may feel tender. All minor discomforts are short lived and gone within a week. Pain relief such as Panadol can be taken.